otago massacre

motivation by ophalm
September 14, 2009, 9:47 pm
Filed under: drugs | Tags: ,


it’s been so quiet here. man I just can’t be fucked doing this when there are so many other things.

yeah that cock dangercore has been rodding it up but lets be honest, it’s a bit filler isn’t it?

anyway, in last weeks critic they had an article about nanny states
and again there is mention this week

see this is a bit of a weak dual critic cavern

alcohol is all it’s about these days.
we have an article about it. harms, pros, cons, everything
then we have a story celebrating the phenomenomly obscence drinking habits of that dude who was dared or something. he finished it early and so he got back on it the next day. is this getting drunk even after drinking a whole keg nothing but a sign of alcohol tolerance and probably dependence? given just how addictive alcohol actually is, this is not really surprising except to the most naive

and it’s not like critic is necessarily saying it’s ok, but simply by making a note of it sort of condones the activity, in a sense. I mean, since when is binging on drugs something news worthy? people do that shit on meth and opiates every week! maybe we should talk about harry the first year who fell into the wrong crowd, spent his course costs on 10 or so grams of methampetamine and is keeping himself up and fucking active for an entire week! and afterwards, instead of resting, he just wanted more meth! it’s a time for celebration certainly

I guess at least if he was on meth he was probably productive. I wonder if that guy that drank that keg got much done that week?
so alcohol huh. nanny states right.. mobius strip is either getting better or it’s just inconsistent.. and yeah.. womans month. I found the article in the middle a bit stereotype enforcing or maybe I just don’t get witty satire :~

critic cavern 25/08/09 by ophalm
August 25, 2009, 10:21 am
Filed under: politics, student life, uni | Tags: , , , ,


let’s be honest, last week of the term, who could be arsed doing a real cavern? no one that’s who. no one else lines up to do this shit. but it’s got to be done, like changing the toilet roll after it’s empty, avoiding the issue just leads to a faecal mess that you’re going to spend a long time convincing someone else to tidy up.

the OUSA elections are going this week. are you going to vote? I will and that’s all I know. the voter turn out shows us that the majority of the university are simply here to get a degree and not give a fuck. I guess that’s one way to be a successful human being. like strangelyanonymous pointed out in his hard hitting article though, the results of the voting don’t matter. maybe I don’t understand democracy, I just know I’ve been brainwashed into a voting automaton

ben from critic asked me to write a pundit like article for their magazine.. I did it purely for the free otago massacre advertising, and as an opportunity to get “ass wasting” in print, but they changed my spelling to the more correct english way and now I feel a little ripped off if not shafted..

and what else is there? an article about the digitalisation of music. I feel deeply saddened by the writers lack of commitment to the issues that really matter. there’s no discussion of DRM really, or what better solutions could be. doesn’t seem like the writer acknowledges that the music labels want desperately to hold onto their old business models, but need to get with the times..

theres also like 50 other pages in the magazine. most contain stuff not worth reading, and that fits nicely with my apathy..

critic cavern 13/08/09 by ophalm
August 13, 2009, 9:41 pm
Filed under: mockery | Tags: ,


sometimes critic is so bad that ripping the shit out of it is like shooting fish in a barrel. other times it’s so uninspiringly devoid of any thing of any interest – even bad – that ripping the shit out of it is like trying to catch water out of a barrel.. yep

this analogy is beautiful because you’ll see that catching water out of a barrel, while easy, also takes a long time; and is terribly boring as hell to watch

guess which one this weeks was
that is why there is no cavern. but exciting times may come in the future. stand strong