otago massacre

news watch 28/02/09 by ophalm
February 28, 2009, 6:00 am
Filed under: entertainment, horrible, mockery | Tags: , , ,

I cut up the newspapers because you’re unable to



normally the exclamation this ad uses is saved for something truly urgent, like a plumber or an ambulance; but here they’ve used it to try to sell $15 rhodos

more psuedoscience. actually I don’t think psychics even try to call themselves a science so it’s just plain lies. I love it how they claim “we only deal in the positive” so what do they say to cancer patients? maybe they tell them that their tumour will smell like jellybeans. not really an unbias view of the “future”. also $10 is pretty cheap these days, I’d expect very little for $10 and if someone was selling a service for only $10, I’d look out. also – “the karming light”? puns like that deserve pain


pet of the week. it’s funny enough as it is


who designed this? who out there has such a hardon for redundancy?


I personally know 4 children who’ve started smoking, not because of their friends or parents, but because when they’ve been buying candy or party pills from the dairy, they’ve been exposed to rows of cigarettes.
maybe I’m just cynical, or maybe it’s senility, but I just don’t see this doing much. maybe they need to do everything they can, but what about freedom man? what about the right to choose what smokes I want to buy?
do you ever wonder if the cigarette companies are in bed with the cancer industry?



no shit

this is from new zealand’s premier paedofile grooming guide, girlfriend magazine. in an article about being a teenage mother, out of all the statements she made, this is the one they quoted.. h o l y s h i t